Flames and Steel: non-combat movement

Non-Combat Movement

Land units that did not participate in combat may move during this phase. You may move land units into or through territory owned by you. The U.S. and Britain may move land units into or through each other’s territories during this and any other movement phase. 

Naval units that did not participate in combat may move during this phase. Transports may load and unload units or PUs during this phase.

Lend-lease. To engage in lend-lease, you must set aside PUs during your build phase. During your non-combat move, you may load this spare cash onto your transports. You may load 6 PUs per transport. You may load a maximum of 12 PUs per turn. The PUs must be loaded up at one of your industrial complexes. You may load, move, and unload the transports all on the same turn; or keep the PUs on a transport for multiple turns. PUs may only be unloaded into a friendly industrial complex. They become the property of whichever nation owns that complex. If a transport is lost at sea, its PUs are lost with it.

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