Flames and Steel: Combat Move

Combat move

During this phase, you may move your units into enemy territories or into sea zones with enemy units present. Most land units may move one space into a combat situation. Tanks may move up to two spaces. However, the first space must belong to your nation or must be an enemy territory without any units. During this phase, you are allowed to move a tank into an empty enemy territory with its first move, and into a friendly territory with its second move. You are never allowed to move units into, through, or over neutral territories.

If a sea zone contains enemy ships, your own ships may move into (but not through) that space during this phase. Exception: your submarines may move through an enemy-occupied sea zone during this phase as long as that sea zone does not contain hostile destroyers.

You may load transports even if enemy units are present in the same sea zone as your transports. You may also announce your intention to unload the transports during this phase. However, you must destroy all enemy units in the relevant sea zone before the unloading can be accomplished. If you lose the sea battle, your transports do not get to unload. If a transport with units or PUs on board is destroyed, its units or PUs are lost with it. 

Example: a German destroyer is in the sea zone to the west of Western Europe. The British player moves a battleship and four transports into that sea zone. The British player loads the transports and announces his intention to unload them into Western Europe, pending the outcome of the naval battle. Assuming Britain wins the naval battle, its transports immediately unload into Western Europe. The resulting land battle is then resolved. In the highly unlikely event Britain fails to clear the sea zone of hostile units, the transports remain loaded. 

In moving your aircraft into combat situations, remember that you must have a legal landing place for them. For the calculation of landing spaces, you are not allowed to assume that some of your aircraft will be taken casualty in the upcoming battles. However, you are allowed to assume that each of your aircraft carriers will survive combat. 

Your aircraft may fly over your own territory, your allies’ territory, or enemy territory during this phase. However, non-Soviet Allied aircraft may never fly over Soviet airspace.

Naval Movement
There are two canals present in the game: the Suez Canal (which connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean) and the Panama Canal (which connects the Atlantic with the Pacific). For your naval units to use a canal in either the combat movement phase or the non-combat movement phase, your side must have controlled the associated land territories at the beginning of your turn.

In addition, there are three narrow passageways present in the game: the entrance to the Baltic Sea, the western entrance to the Mediterranean Sea, and the passage between the Mediterranean and Black Seas. To use a narrow passageway, you must, at the beginning of your turn, have controlled the land territory with which the passageway is associated. The western Mediterranean passageway is controlled by the Gibraltar land territory, the entrance to the Baltic is controlled by the Western Europe land territory, and the passageway between the Mediterranean and Black Seas is controlled by Turkey. 

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